Record Breaking Weekend and Championship Won!

The August meeting at Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb brought the Avon Tyres / Wynn Developments British Hill Climb Championship and the Avon Tyres / Wynn Developments Hill Climb Leaders Championship to the hill.

There were 150 cars and drivers competing at the twisty course at Wiltshire’s famous Speed Hill Climb Venue and it was a spectacular weekend with class records falling all over the classes! Some great performances!

The British Hill Climb Championship was decided at the first run-off on Sunday. Wallace Menzies won the first run-off and sealed the championship. It was his 299th run-off too. Such a great performance with seven run-off to go! More on the run-offs later in the report.

Wallace also won the Fastest Time of the Day with a 25.54s run in the first run-off. That’s less than 0.2s off the overall hill record.

Saturday’s practice had a few incidents but it showed how Sunday’s events might be.

Class Results:

The BARC SW B Licence Class

The BARC South West B Licence Class went first. Martin Watson in his Westfield SeiW dominated the class from the outset. His second timed run was 32.13s four seconds ahead of the Isabella Lawrence in Stephen Moore’s Mitsubishi Evo, she was sharing with Jon Maycock this weekend. She finished on 36.14s with Mark Everett in the TVR Griffith. There were many personal bests in this class too.

The Road Going Series Production Car Class up to 2000cc – A(i)

Dean Cubitt in the Mazda MX5 stamped his authority on this class from the start of practice. He best timed run was 38.24s. It was interesting to see how the four “new” Mazda MX5 drivers got on. Ronald King snatched second in the MX5 he was sharing with Paula Levett, finishing on 41.46s.

The Over 2000cc Road Going Series Production Car Class – A(ii)

Jon Maycock in the Mitsubishi Evo he was sharing with Isabella Lawrence had a great day. He one the class with a 33.98s first timed run. Interestingly, his second timed run was just 0.01s slower on 33.99s. Jon was a little surprised by the car! Second was Rodney Eyles in the gorgeous Alfa Romeo 4C on 35.14s, narrowly beating Mike Rudge in the Ford Focus RS.

The Road Going Specialist Production Car Class – B

Adrian Lewis with the super fast Westfield Superbusa was dominant in this class. He improved his fiorst timed run 33.05s with a 32.98s second timed run. Second was John Pick in the Subaru powered AMS Murtaya with a 36.96s second timed run.

The up to 1400cc Modified Series Production Car Class – C(i)

Neil Turner and his super fast Mini reset the class record in the second timed run and won the class. The new record and the class winning time was 35.01s. The Hillman Imp with Eric Morrey at the wheel was pushed hard by Jim White in the Austin Mini. Those two finishing on 35.96s and 36.17s respectively.

The 1401cc to 2000cc Modified Series Production Car Class – C(ii)

Colin Satchell and Paul Drowne who share the very quick Peugeot 205 swapped places between the first and second timed run. Paul was just 0.03s ahead of Colin after the first timed run. They both went quicker in the second timed run. But it was Colin who took the win with a 33.68s run. Paul was just 0.01s behind on 33.69s.

The Over 2000cc Modified Series Production Car Class – C(iii)

Yet another record fell in this class. Stephen Moore in his other Mitsubishi Evo had an outstanding second timed run. After the first timed run he was in front by just 0.64s. But in the second he got everything together and finished on 31.99s, beating his own class record for the second time this season. Mark Walker in the Porsche Cayman finished second with a 34.26s. Tim Painter in the lovely Aston Martin Vantage was third on 34.53s

The Modified Specialist Production Cars Class – D

Simon Jenks and his Caterham Supersport had a great weekend. Not only did he win the class with a 30.44s second timed run but he took Mike Rudge’s ten year old record with it. Interestingly, Mike, whilst being interviewed during the meeting, promised he would be back with his Westfield soon! Steve Holland was second with a 31.87s second timed run.

The up to 2000cc Sports Libre Car Class – F

Tim Pitfield in the DJ Firecat was in sparkling form! His winning time of 31.75s would be a record in Gurston Down’s own up to 1400cc class. But with the class structures different in the national events, sadly it won’t count. Needless to say he was very pleased! The Norma M20FC, belonging to Duncan Barnes was second, not in Duncan’s hands, but in his hands of the driver he was sharing with, Tom New. Tom was only 0.13s behind Tim and 0.33s ahead of Duncan. A great performance for a car that is usually seen on European hills.

The Over 2000cc Sports Libre Car Class – G

Allan McDonald bring the crazy Mini Evo was joined by Geoff Twemlow in the Saker GT. Geoff switching cars. Allan and the Mini Evo currently holds the hill record for a closed car, he didn’t quite match that pace but won the class with a 31.23s second timed run.

The 601cc to 1100cc Racing Car Class – I

The current class record holder Robert Kenrick in the GWR Raptor 2 was the man to beat in this class. Robert reset the class record in May and reset it twice in both of the timed runs. He won the class with a 28.04s run. He also helped his Leaders Championship points and he qualified for both British Hill Climb Championship run-offs too. Stephen Owen in the OMS 28 was second on 29.66s with the Greenen brothers Adam and Andy third and fourth respectively, both finishing on 29.87s but Andy’s second timed run failgave Adam the third place.

Formula Ford Racing Cars up to 1600cc Class – J(i)

This class was amalgamated with the 1100cc to 1600cc Racing Car Class (J(ii)) as Sam Lister is the only entrant. Sam and her Van Diemen RF92 managed a 37.99s second timed run, a great performance.

The 1100cc to 1600cc Racing Car Class – J(ii)

Eynon Price in the Force TA took the lead in the first timed run, didn’t improve in the second but none of the rest of the class could match his pace. He stopped the clocks on 28.59s. David and Allan Warburton in their Gould GR59 were second and third respectively, finishing on 28.62s and 29.27s respectively. David and Eynon also qualified for the first Top Twelve Run-off.

The 1601cc to 2000cc Racing Car Class – Normally Aspirated – K(i)

Tim Davies in the Pilbean MP88 won a very hard fought class with a 29.26s first timed run. Tim Elmer and his Dallara was second on 29.50s and the GWR Pediator with Johnathen Varley at the wheel with a 29.69s run. The first four in this class were separated by less than one second.

The 1601cc to 2000cc Racing Car Class – Forced Induction – K(ii)

Paul Haines in his Gould GR59 took this class with a 27.58s. He has had some great runs during the season at Gurston earlier in the season. Richard Spedding had issues with his car all weekend. He finished second on 27.94s and they both qualified for the two Top Twelve Run-offs. Great performances all round in this class.

The Over 2000cc Racing Car Class – L

With the Championship at stake, this class really was a great one to watch. Will Hall in the Force WH-Xtec had a little spin in the first timed run which meant he didn’t qualify for that. But in the second timed run, he was on the money. His second timed run took the win and took him into the second Top Twelve Run-off. His time was 25.79s, which is close to the long standing hill record but he didn’t get fastest time of the day. That went to Wallace Menzies in the Gould GR59 in the first run-off. Wallace’s class time was 26.03s with Sean Gould in the relatively new Gould GR59-Judd third with a 26.11s. Dave Uren in another Gould, but this time a GR55, was fourth on 26.39s. Debbie Dunbar in the DJ Firestorm had a great weekend, she qualified for the run-offs and her first timed run was just 0.07s off the long standing Ladies Hill Record held by Sue Young.

The Sports and Racing Car Built up to 1971 Class – M

The Brabham BT35 of Christopher Bentley-Jones finished fastest in this class. Although issues meant that he only did one timed run. He finished on 34.85s, just ahead of Amanda George in the Cheveron B19 who finished on 35.11s.

The Sports and Racing Car Built up to 1985 Class – N

Roger Cock transferred from the Racing Car Class in the Pilbeam MP54 and took the class win from Roger Deans in the Lola T142. Roger Cock finished on 31.95s and Roger Deans on 37.47s.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class A2 Saloons and Sports Cars

Chris Berrisford in the Subaru Impreza was a non-starter, leaving the class very wide open. Charles White in Lotus Elise won after a great first timed run of 41.78s with Oliver Beale in the Audi TT just 0.20s behind.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class A2.1 Mazda MX5s

The Mazda MX5 class had a good entry. The Mazda shared by father and son, Alan and Nicholas Mugglestone dominated the class. They both broke the existing class record. Ultimately. Alan was the quickest. He finished on 38.26s with Nick on 39.29s.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class B2 Roadgoing Specialist Cars

The Westfield is shared by Simon Price and Paul Evans was the only car in this class. Simon was ahead after the first timed run and stayed in that position during the second as Paul couldn’t improve on the mornings run.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class C Modified Saloons and Sports Cars

Robin Lee in the Renault Clio he shares with Geoff Lancaster took the class win here. It was a hard fought and very close battle for the top three places. Paul Meadows in another Clio was second and Julian Harper in a Mini was thirds. Their times were 39.38s, 39.64s and 40.36s respectively.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class F Supersports / Sports Libre Cars

This class was amalgumated with Class I and J Racing Cars.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class F, I and J Racing Cars Amalgumated

Paul Batey in his Rawlinson S-F Stiletto took the class win, by a good margin. He stopped the clocks on 37.16s. Laurence Marks in the Van Diemen RF84 took second with a 39.14s first timed run.

The Porsche Club’s National Hill Climb Championship Class 2 – Standard Production Cars

Another class record fell in this class. A great performance by David Dyson in his 911 beat Robert Lancaster-Gaye in his 911 GT3. David’s time and new class record was 34.89s with Robert finishing on 36.82s

The Porsche Club’s National Hill Climb Championship Class 1 – Modified Cars

Class 1 had the super fast 911 RSR with Paul Howells at the wheel. Paul was ahead after the first timed run. None of the three improved their times in the second timed run so Paul took the win. His time 33.27s finishing ahead of Peter Turnball who stopped the clocks on 34.03s. Their times were probably affected by the late afternoon heat.

Top Twelve Run-offs, Rounds 27 and 28 of the British Hill Climb Championships

Round 27

This run-off could decide this years Motorsport UK Avon Tyres / Wynn Developments British Hill Climb Championship. In order for Wallace Menzies in the Gould GR59 to win, he had to win the run-off and Alex Summers in the DJ Firestorm, his competition needed to finish below fourth. Wallace won the Run-off and Alex finished fifth, so Wallace became the 2019 British Hill Climb Champion. His time also won fastest time of the day, he finished on 25.54s, just 0.07s off the Hill Record. It was an all Gould top three, Sean Gould in the GR59-Judd was second on 25.81s, Dave Uren in the GR55 was third on 25.89s with Trevor Willis in his OMS28 fourth on 26.34s. Alex Summers was fifth on 26.88s.

This was the 299th time Wallace had qualified for a Top Twelve Run-off and the 19th time a Gould has won the British Hill Climb Championship.

Round 28

Sean Gould had a great second run-off in the GR59-Judd. The “new” car is really coming together now and it will be interesting to see what will happen during the rest of the season. Sean finished on 25.62s with Wallace Menzies in another GR59 second on 25.78s. Will Hall in the Force WH-Xtec slotted into third on 25.96s and Dave Uren and Trevor Willis fourth and fifth respectively.

We would like to thank all those who made our weekend possible!

Anthony Record – Press Officer Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb – BARC SW

The British Are Back! August Meeting Preview

The weekend of Saturday August 24th and Sunday August 25th bring the Avon Tyres / Wynn Developments British Hill Climb Championship and the Avon Tyres / Wynn Developments Hill Climb Leaders Championship back to Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb.

With 150 cars and drivers competing at the twisty course at Wiltshire’s famous Speed Hill Climb Venue, it will be a spectacular weekend. There will be a huge variety of cars, everything from standard road cars, specially prepared hill climb cars and spectacularly fast sport and single seat racing cars.

Spectators have fabulous unrivalled access to the hill, views of the course, paddock and facilities. We have excellent catering and refreshments on site too.

You really can’t get closer to the action!

Saturday is practice day. Each competitor gets three opportunities to take to the hill. We start around 09:00 with two runs each before lunch. Then a restart around 13:00 for one further practice. Practice day usually finishes around 15:00.

Sunday is competition day, this is when the fun starts. There will be an early morning practice, starting around 09:00. First timed runs start around 10:30 followed by the first of two top twelve run-offs. After lunch the second timed runs are followed by the second top twelve run-off.

The Top Twelve Run-Off of the Avon Tyres / Wynn Developments British Hill Climb Championship give championship registered another run on the hill. This time the fastest ten, score points for the British Championship. Ten points for a win, down to one for tenth. These run-offs ultimately determine who becomes the British Champion!

The Championship could be won at Gurston Down!

The current championship leader, Wallace Menzies in the Gould GR59 could secure the championship after the first runoff. He has to win the Run-off and the second place man, Alex Summers finishes below fourth.If this doesn’t happen Wallace has to score 15 points in total over the weekend and he will be champion!

The Avon Tyres / Wynn Developments Hill Climb Leaders Championship is slightly different and doesn’t have a run-off. Each timed run is treated as a separate event, so competitors will score in two rounds on Sunday.

Alongside the British Championship and Leaders Championships we will have the Porsche Club National Hill Climb Championship, SBD HSA Speed Championship and a special class for BARC South West Members too!

As ever there will be a Fastest Time of Day! Who will it be?

Class Preview:

The BARC SW B Licence Class

The BARC South West B Licence Class will run first. The class has a huge variety of cars and drivers who hold MSA Speed B Licences. Look out for Nigel Holt in his new Caterham 310R, Mark Everett in the TVR Griffith 500, Alex England is the Ford Fiesta and Steve Cox in his Porsche Boxster. But on current form it’ll will probably be Martin Watson and his Westfield SeiW for the win.

The Road Going Series Production Car Class up to 2000cc – A(i)

The class has a good entry with six drivers in five cars. Dean Cubitt in the Mazda MX5 starts favourite. It will be interesting to see how Shaun Fudge in a Mazda MX5 gets on. He won’t be the only one with a new car, Paul Levitt is sharing an MX5 with Ronald King. You mustn’t forget John Davey in the Midget.

The Over 2000cc Road Going Series Production Car Class – A(ii)

There are just three entrants in this class, all of which have significant Gurston experience. Jon Maycock is leaving his Mazda MX5 at home and borrowing Stephen Moore’s Class A(ii) Mitsubishi Evo 6 RS. Mike Rudge drives his Ford Focus RS and Rodney Eyles the beautiful Alfa Romeo 4C. Rodney starts favourite.

The Road Going Specialist Production Car Class – B

Adrian Lewis brings the super fast Westfield Superbusa and shouldn’t be too troubled by the rest of the class. But you never know!

The up to 1400cc Modified Series Production Car Class – C(i)

This class might hold a few surprises. Neil Turner’s super fast Mini is the class record holder should be able to hold off the rest of the field in this class. But he’s got James White in his Mini and the forced induction Hillman Imp of Eric Morrey to content with.

The 1401cc to 2000cc Modified Series Production Car Class – C(ii)

There are two drivers, Colin Satchell and Paul Drowne who share the very quick Peugeot 205. They are driving the car to beat. Simon Purcell in the Lotus Exige and the rest of the entrants will have his work cut out to catch these two.

The Over 2000cc Modified Series Production Car Class – C(iii)

This will be a tough class, not only does it have a big entry but it has some quick and beautifully presented cars. Stephen Moore in his Mitsubishi Evo should take this class. But it will be much more difficult to predict second place. All of the car and driver combinations have the experience to take second. Will it be the lovely Aston Martin Vantage GT4 of Tim Painter and Andy Fraser or Mark Walker in the Porsche or Geoff Twemlow in the Subaru Impreza.

The Modified Specialist Production Cars Class – D

Steve Holland in his Caterham Hayabusa and Simon Jenks and his Caterham Supersport will probably be the top two in this class. But the class is always really competitive so it could be any of the drivers taking the win.

The up to 2000cc Sports Libre Car Class – F

There’s another big entry in this class. It will be interesting to see how Tony Adams in his recently acquired Radical SR3 RS fares against Pete Steele in his Radical SR1. Look out for the lovely Norma M20FC of Duncan Barnes. Duncan is sharing the car with Tom New. But they will all be chasing Tim Pitfield in the DJ Firecat who is in sparkling form!

The Over 2000cc Sports Libre Car Class – G

Allan McDonald bring the crazy Mini Evo. The Mini Evo currently holds the hill record for a closed car. You’ll find a great video on our Facebook page.

The 601cc to 1100cc Racing Car Class – I

The ever popular 1100cc racing car class has another huge entry. The current class record holder Robert Kenrick in the GWR Raptor 2 has to be the man to beat. Robert reset the long standing class record in May, will he improve that again in August. There are so many other drivers in the class who will be looking for Leaders championship points and the change to qualify for the British Hill Climb Championship run-off. Look out for the Greenen brothers, Andy and Adam or perhaps Darren Gumbley, Harry Pick or Stephen Owen. The class will be settled by hundredths of a second and there might be some who will make the cut for the Top Twelve Run-Off too!

Formula Ford Racing Cars up to 1600cc Class – J(i)

Sam Lister is the only entrant in the class in her Van Diemen RF92.

The 1100cc to 1600cc Racing Car Class – J(ii)

This could be an interesting class. Olivia Cooper in the Force TA she shares with her husband Liam is having a great year, so you’ll need to look out for her. Eynon Price is also having a good year in his Force TA. Allan and David Warburton in their Gould GR59 and all the other drivers will all be chasing run-off plcaes.

The 1601cc to 2000cc Racing Car Class – Normally Aspirated – K(i)

Tim Elmer and his Dallara, Andy Bougourd in his Force PT and the GWR Pediaor driven by Johnathen Varley will probably be the top three in this class. It will be interesting to see how the Reynard TKD YV8 shared by Terry and Tricia Davis fares against the others in this class.

The 1601cc to 2000cc Racing Car Class – Forced Induction – K(ii)

Richard Spedding is having a great season in the British Hill Climb Championship so far in his GWR Raptor. Paul Haines in the Gould GR59 has had some great times at Gurston ealier in the season so it will probably be between these two for the win. But you can’t actually discount anyone in this class. All of the class is registered for the British Hill Climb Championship so they will all be looking for places in the run-off.

The Over 2000cc Racing Car Class – L

The class brings the fastest cars and drivers to the hill. With Gurston Down being a power hill, the fastest time of the day is likely to be a driver in this class. The British Championship has just a few rounds to go and is very much in progress and undecided. Wallace Menzies in the Gould GR59 currently leads the championship and will be looking for more points to consolidate his lead. Alex Summers is sharing the DJ Firestorm with Debbie Dunbar this season and she is having a great season too. As is Nicola Menzies in another Gould, this time a GR55. The ladies record might be under threat!

You can’t ignore another Gould, the Judd engined, factory GR59J DB4, driven by Sean Gould nor Will Hall in the Force WH-XTEC and Trevor Willis, the current champion, in his OMS 28. They will all be looking to qualify for Top Twelve Run Off places too.

The Sports and Racing Car Built up to 1971 Class – M

This class is full of beautiful classic racing and sports cars, the Chevron B19 of Amanda and Richard George, Mike Broome and his Alexis Mk17 F3 and the Brabham BT35 of Christopher Bentley-Jones. The class win is likely to come from the George camp or Mike Broome but we are all winners watching these gorgeous cars compete.

The Sports and Racing Car Built up to 1985 Class – N

Roger Deans in his Lola T142 has Fyrth Crosse in the Dempster Ensign LNF3 are the only two entrants in this class. Both of these cars are beautiful. The class winner, too difficult to call, the power of the Lola against the lightness of the Ensign!

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class A2 Saloons and Sports Cars

There is a quite a strong entry in this class. Chris Berrisford in the Subaru Impreza is the likely winner. He has Gurston experience and a very quick car.

Copyright: Akina Media

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class A2.1 Mazda MX5s

The Mazda MX5 class has a small entry, just three cars and four drivers. The Mazda shared by father and son, Alan and Nicholas Mugglestone is quick. They both have plentry of experience too.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class B2 Roadgoing Specialist Cars

There are just two entrants, in just one car. The Westfield is shared by Simon Price and Paul Evans.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class C Modified Saloons and Sports Cars

There are five entrants in four cars. The Ford Puma of Richard Worth and the Renault Clio of Robin Lee and Geoff Lancaster should be in with a great chance of beating the BMW E30 of James Rushworth. But they will have to drive well.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class F Supersports / Sports Libre Cars

There is just one entry, Paul Batey in a Rawlison S-F Stiletto.

The SBD HSA Speed Championship – Class I and J Racing Cars

With four entrants in three cars in this class. There are two Formula Ford cars and one Jedi Mk2. Can the 919cc Jedi overcome the Van Diemen RF84 of Laurance Marks and the Royale RP24 shared by Nick Alnold and Graham Cheery?

The Porsche Club’s National Hill Climb Championship Class 2 – Standard Production Cars

This class should be interesting this year. Last year there was an all 911 GT3 line-up. This year we have three 911 and two Caymans. Look out for Robert Lancaster-Gaye in his 911 GT3, he has Gurston experience which should help him. But he’ll have to look out for Duncan Andrews in the Cayman and David Dyson in his 911.

The Porsche Club’s National Hill Climb Championship Class 1 – Modified Cars

Class 1 has the super fast 911 RSR with Paul Howells at the wheel. It will be interesting whether the 911 GT3 of Peter Turnbull can overcome the RSR.

We will also have two Top Twelve Run-offs these will at the end of each timed run.

Another exciting weekend of at Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb – Don’t Miss It!

Key info:
Location: 1 mile west of Broad Chalke, 9 miles SW of Salisbury, Wiltshire. Turn off the A354 at Coombe Bissett on the unclassified road to Broad Chalke, follow AA signs.
Dates: Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August
Times: Saturday Practice from 0830 until 1500 approx. Sunday 0830 Final Practice then timed runs from approx 1030, then first timed runs followed by First Top Twelve Run-Off, then lunch and final timed runs from 13:00 Second Top Twelve Run-Off. Times are estimated.
Admission: £10 for adults Sunday (£6 on Saturday), accompanied under 14s free, free paddock entry, free parking. Animals are not permitted on site..


Anthony Record – Press Officer Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb – BARC SW

Mid Season Challenge – July 2019 Meeting Report

There were four rounds of the Meadens Skoda Gurston Down Championship and two rounds of Cavendish Ships Stores Top Ten Challenge the Challenger over the weekend of 20th and 21st July 2019. These rounds may have decided the 2019 overall championship but some of the class championships are yet to be decided. More on the championship in a later report.

A damp start on Saturday lead to a few off at Karousel, which could only be described as a little difficult!

Invited Classes:

The Sevenoaks and District Car Club Speed Championship Class

There was s good entry both days in this class. Dave Rayner in his Caterham S-Sport won both days, lowering the class record both days. Saturday’s 38.40s record breaking run was surpassed on Sunday with a 38.03s.

Bugatti Owners Club Henney’s Cider Classic Speed Championship Class

This class only ran on Saturday. Phil Fisher in his Mallock MK11 lead the way after the first timed run by a margin of over one second. Simon Braithwaite in the Ford Escort Mk1 second timed run managed a 37.98s run but by then Phil had already put in a 37.87s run. A wide ranage of cars competing in this class with all 15 runners covered by just seven seconds. Simon was second and Gurston experience paid off for Mike Broome in the Alexis Mk17 F3 who finished third.

Historic Rally Car Register Speed Championship Class

This class just ran on Sunday. The Lotus Elan shared by Peter Lythell and Guy Brooker were first and second in this class. Peter’s time was 39.99s and Guy’s 40.95s. Another Lotus was third, Paul Boscott in his +2, his time 41.89s.

Downton Motor Club Class

The small entry in this class both days was dominated by the Locost of Andrew Mathis. His power to weight ratio paid dividends. Stuart Lugger in his Mini Cooper was second. Interestingly, Steve Harris and John Davies competed in a Mini Cooper S that was at our first meeting in 1967. It didn’t quite go to plan with a bonnet flying up during one of their runs.

Westfield Sports Car Club Speed Championship Class

The great entry in this class both days saw two wins and the long standing class record broken on Sunday by Adam Phelps with the Megabusa, he shares with Charlotte. He reset the record which now stands at 31.48s. On Saturday, Keith Adams was second and Charlotte third. On Sunday second and third swapped places with Charlotte taking second.

The Regular Gurston Down Regular Classes:

The Gurston Down Mazda MX5 Class, supported by The Window Doctor:

This was an important weekend for two of the runners in this class. Mark Crookall in his MK2 RS and Jason Richardson in his MK2.5 RS were leading the championship at the beginning of the meeting and every point would count. Saturday was Mark Crookall’s day, his pushed Jason into second after a 39.33s first timed run. Jason missed a gear and that lead to a 40.31s run. Jason never gives up but couldn’t match Mark’s time. He imprived significantly finishing on 39.80s.

Sunday saw a tie between Jason and Mark. Jason was ahead with a 39.60s first timed run with Mark on 39.86s. Jason didn’t improve his time but his second timed run was 39.63s and Mark managed a 39.60s. Under the rules, where there is a tie, the best average time takes the win, meaning Jason took the win on Sunday.

The Road Going Series Production Class up to 1400cc Class

John Davey, Managing Director of Cavendish Ships Stores, our Top Ten Challenge sponsor has a great Saturday. Taking the win in both rounds of the championship and the overall class win on the day.

Sunday wasn’t John’s day. David Nutland in his BMC Mini took the win and reset the class record to 40.55s

The Road Going Series Production Class 1401cc to 2000cc Class, supported by Record-Designs

Saturday saw Miles Horne in the record holding Peugeot 306 take the win. He was just under a second quicker than Tim Forster in the Lotus Elan and Dean Cubitt in the Mazda MX5. Miles’ time was 37.52s, Tim’s 38.48s and Dean’s 38.50s.

Sunday saw Dean Cubitt ahead on Miles after the first timed run, but only by0.01s. A personal best for Dean at 37.30s. Miles had it all to do and put a great run, just 0.04s off the class record. His time was 37.08s. Interestingly, the Honda Civic of Christopher Davies was third, just one hundredth ahead of Tim Forster. They finished on 38.58s and 38.59s respectively.

The Over 2000cc Road Going Series Production Class supported by Turbo Dynamics

Saturday saw Stephen Moore in his Mitsubishi Evo 6 RS take the class win. Clive Stangle in the Mitsubishi Evo 5 he shares with his wife Jennie, took second. But after the first timed run Clive was ahead. Stephen’s second run was a 33.55s. Clive finished on 34.18s and Jennie was third with a 35.89s

Stephen switched classes on Sunday. Clive and Jennie took first and second on 34.06s and 35.50s respectively. Mike Rudge in the Ford Focus RS third on 36.21s.

Road Going Specialist Production Class supported by Fieldfare Trailer Centre

Saturday saw Bruce Bosley in his Caterham Supersport take the class win with a 39.69s first timed run. Nigel Holt in his Caterham Acadamy car was second on 40.75s.

Sunday saw Adrian Lewis in the Westfield Superbusa. He took control of the class and dominated it from the outset. He finished on 32.92s with Bruce Bosley second on 39.42s.

The Modified Limited Production Marque Sports Cars

Simon Purcell’s up to 2000cc class was merged with the over 2000cc class. Phil Price in the Porsche 930RS was last after the first timed run. Graham Beale in the Ginetta G33 was ahead. But the 500plus HP Porsche improved dramatically and finished on 34.36s, with Graham second on 35.45s. Sunday was a repaet of Saturday but everyone was quicker. Phil won on 33.42s and Graham second on 34.94s.

The Modified Series Production Car up to 1400cc Class

The all Mini line-up in this class both days saw James White in his Mini take the wins. Saturday’s time was 36.34s and Sunday’s 34.36s.

The Modified Series Production Car 1401cc to 2000cc Class

The Peugeot 306 with Colin Satchell had an outstanding weekend. Dominating the class all weekend. Neil Brogden in his 205 was second. Colin’s time were 34.43s and 33.90s on Saturday and Sunday respectively. Neil’s times were 38.82s and 38.68s.

The Modified Series Production Car Over 2000cc Class

Saturday saw Jim Herbert in his Mitsubishi Evo 5 take the class win over Mark Walker in the Porsche Cayman S with Tim Painter in the lovely Aston Martin Vantage, he shares with Andrew Fraser, third. Jim’s time was 33.66s, Mark’s 35.10 and Tim’s 35.24s.

Sunday saw Jim win again finishing on 33.54s with Stephen Moore just 0.25s behind on 33.79s. Andrew Fraser in the Aston, had a great afternoon, finishing on 36.33s.

The Modified Specialist Production Class, supported by Gates of Brokenhurst

Steve Holland in the Caterham Hayabusa was the current overall leader of the Cavendish Ships Stores Top Ten Challenge at the beginning of the meeting and his great times and class wins haven’t harmed this. He finished on 32.11s and 31.27s.

The Historically Interesting Class, supported by Kelvin Jouhar

Ginetta G12 of James and David Tearle in James’s hands won Saturday’s class with Christopher Bentley-Jones in the lovely Brabham BT35 second. James’s time was35.39s and Christopher 35.95s.

On Sunday Robin Johnson in his Tiga SF83 won the class with Mike Broome in his Alexis Mk17 F3 second. Robin’s winning time was 35.96s.

The Sports Libre Cars up to 1400cc Class

Saturday saw Tim Pitfield take the class win with a 32.58s. And on Sunday Tim Pitfield won again but this time he was so consistent matching his timed runs with 32.72s.

The Sports Libre Cars Classes over 1401cc were amalgamated.

The Force SR8 shared by Chris Cannell and Sue Hayes in Chris’s hands won this class. Chris’s time of 30.93s also helped with his Cavendish Ships Store Top Ten Challenge points. Sunday was another great day for Chris, not only did he win the class but he also collected the Fastest Time of the Day.

500 Owners Association Speed Championship / 2001 Rules

James Forsyth brought the family Alfa Dana back to the hill. On Saturday there was a good entry and James dominated the class with a 44.22s run. On Sunday James was on his own but improved his time signicicantly to 42.24s.

The 601cc to 1100cc Racing Car Class, supported by Drynham Project Management Limited

James Moore in the Empire Evo had a great weekend with class wins both days. He was a little faster on Sunday. Saturday’s time was 31.80s and Sunday 31.32s.

Formula Ford Race Cars up to 1600cc Class

The current record holder, Shaun Macklin in his Swift SC92 looked like the win on Saturday was going to elude him. After the first timed run he was fourth. But improved his time by about 1.5s and ended with a 36.73s. His nearest rival, Russell Haynes and his Zeus ZR163 ended on 37.34s. Paul Morcom and the Merlyn Mk11A was third just 0.09s behind Russell on 37.43s. The next two Simon Andrews and Samantha Lester both in Van Diemens were just 0.18s and 0.20s behind Paul respectively.

On Sunday Shaun’s first timed run was the only completed run. However, the time of 36.05s won the class. Simon Andrews was second, Russell Haynes third and Paul Morcon fourth on 36.68s, 36.74s and 37.38s respectively.

Racing Cars up to 2000cc Classes were Amalgamated

Paul Haimes and the lovely Race Parts Gould GR59 lead the class after the first timed run, finishing on 27.68s. The second timed run didn’t quite go to plan however the first run was good enough for the class win and Fastest Time of the Day. Tony Wiltshire in the Ralt RT34 was second but also had an issue on the second timed run. Tony finished on 30.76s

On Sunday Pete Hammock in the Empire Wraith won the class with a 31.45s, beating Ian Tucker into second. Ian finished the second timed run on 31.88s which was an improvement of over one second on his first run.

Anthony Record – Press Officer – BARC SW, Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb


Results Motorbikes – July 2019

The final two meetings of 2019 of the motorbikes from the Autocycle Union’s (ACU) Motorbikes and Combinations, National Hill Climb Championship ended on a high. There were some great performances!

Saturday’s over night ran brought a rather slippery track for first practice runs. Not that this ever deters the riders and pillions in the ACU’s Hill Climb Championship. By the time it was competition runs, the track had dried. This produced some great performances. Ben Watkins has held the solo motorbike record since 2012 it stands at 31.85s.

As there were two events, there were two fastest times of the day. Saturday’s went to Paul Jeffery on his KTM RC8R. His second timed run was 32.88s.

Sunday saw Tom Short on his KTM SMR take FTD with a 32.39s run in the Top Ten Run-off. It’s a very long time since we’ve seen performances this close to the record.

The Full Class Results are:

Solo Motor Cycles 100cc to 250cc class

Pauline Ford was the only rider on her Honda CBF in this class. Her best time was on Sunday were she finished on 50.49s.

Solo Motor Cycles 251cc to 350cc class

There were three riders both days in this class. Richard Peaty on the KTM took the win from Allan Harvey on his KTM took the win on Saturday with 37.64s.

On Sunday the positions were reversed. Allan Harvey took the win with a 37.51s pipping Richard Peaty by just 0.05s.

Solo Motor Cycles 351cc to 500cc class

There was a huge entry both days. Saturday belonged to Chris Keates on the Honda CRF. His first timed, 35.87s run was just 0.05s ahead of Callum Shorts’ KTM, 35.92s. Mark Short on the KTM was third on 36.41s.

On Sunday the top two positions were swapped. Callum went quicker and finished on 34.89s with Chris on 35.10s. Both great improvements. Mark Short repeated his third place and ended quicker on 35.83s.

Solo Motor Cycles 501cc to 750cc class

There was a great entry on both days in this class. On Saturday, Tom Short on the KTM SMR was the man to beat in this class, after a great performance on Saturday with a 33.33s, 0.70s ahead of Tommy Hodges on the Team GV KTM. Sunday, Tom was on it again. His first timed run was another great performance and faster, 32.88s. Tommy took second with 33.64s.

Solo Motor Cycles 751cc to 1300cc class

Paul Jeffery on the KTM RC8R was on sparkling form all weekend. Not only did he win the class both days but his second timed run on Saturday gave him the Fastest Bike of the Day with a 32.88s run. Paul also won on Sunday with a 32.70s. Stu Mills on the Aprilia was second on both days, finishing on 33.73s and 33.34s. Simon Gates on the Kawasaki ZX10R was third, 34.55s on Saturday and 33.63s on Sunday.

Sidecar Class

Then it was ther turn of the combinations! There were four entered both days. Patrick and Paul Keates on the Baker F1 took the wins both days. Their times were 36.78s and 37.19s on Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

Motorbike Top Ten Run-Off

Due to an over run on Saturday we only had the Sunday Top Ten Run-off. Tom Short produced one of the fastest runs on a solo motorbike for many years. His 32.39s won him the Top Ten Run-off and the Fastest Time of the Day. Tommy Hodges was second and Paul Jeffery third.



Anthony Record – Press Officer – BARC SW, Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb

Meadens Skoda Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb Championship – Review

The overall leaders table in the Meadens Skoda Gurston Down Championship is starting to get interesting. There is a chance that the championship is decided at the July meetings with it’s four rounds.. However, the overall table might suggest it could go all the way until the September meeting!

Mark Crookall in the Mazda MX5 is back on-top after some great performances in June but he won’t be given any quarter by the other five in the top six!

Jason Richardson in his Mazda MX5 is second. His performances have been great too.

Equal third are Shaun Fudge in the Lewis Dean Subaru Impreza and Tim Pitfield in the DJ Firecat. They are both having great seasons with Shaun having very consistant performances.

Tim pushing the class record back and hence beating the target times, has given him extra points and pushed him properly in contention.

But there equal fifth, just one point behind are Steve Holland in the Caterham, who currently leads the Cavendish Ships Stores Top Ten Challenge and Murray Wakeham in the OMS CF96.

There are so many drivers who are within a few points of the championship top three, July’s meetings might well give us more clarity on who’ll be champion!

The Overall Table looks like this:

Driver / Class


Mark Crookall – Mazda MX5


Jason Richardson – Mazda MX5


Shaun Fudge – Subaru Impreza


Tim Pitfield – DJ Firecat


Steve Holland – Caterham


Murray Wakeham – OMS CF96


Class Championships

Most of the class championships are wide open too. There is more information on the individual and class standings on the website



Anthony Record – Press Officer Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb