BARC South West Centre – Annual General Meeting – 14th December 2020

British Automobile Racing Club Limited South West Centre

Notice of Annual General Meeting – Monday 14th December 2020

As you will be aware the Club is obligated to hold an Annual General Meeting but clearly, current
restrictions on both travel and gatherings make holding such a meeting somewhat problematical, to
say the least. Ideally I would like to postpone the meeting to a later date but our rules do not grant
us the ability to do this. To this end the “meeting” will be held on Monday 14th December 2020

In the circumstances the meeting will have to go ahead effectively behind closed doors. I would
respectfully suggest that there is nothing of exceptional note within the Agenda to cause members
concern. I should be most grateful therefore, once you’ve considered the Agenda, if you would
kindly complete and return the Proxy form to the email address shown in the proxy form

If you have any questions do please feel free to submit them via e-mail prior to the meeting and we
will do our best to answer them. One would hope that the answers will be available at the meeting
and can therefore appear in the Minutes. If this all seems a bit unusual please forgive me

Yours sincerely

On behalf of the British Automobile Racing Club Limited South West Centre

Sarah Howard

Read the Chairman’s Report / Statement – 2020 Here


1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
2. Accounts & Hon Treasurers Report
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Election of Officers and Committee
a. Chairman
b. Vice Chairman
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
5. Under Rule 12 John Davey, Nick Revels and Simon Purcell retire from the Committee and
being eligible offers offer themselves for re-election.
6. Under rule 10 Tony Record offers himself for election onto the Committee
7. Any Other Business
8. Close