Mar 22, 2016

It is with deep regret that we must report the passing of long-serving BARC SW committee member John Forsyth following a heart attack on March 21st. John was a stalwart member of the organising team at Gurston as well as a very successful competitor in all the classes he’d entered down the years. He’d driven everything from a DFR V8-engined Pilbeam MP58, which he delighted in sharing with son Andrew, to most recently his 500cc Alfa Dana, with which he won the 500 OA Rules up to 500cc racing car class in the Gurston Championship in 2015. With such a breadth of hillclimbing experience it’s no wonder he was a much-valued member of the instructing team at the Gurston Hillclimb Drivers School.
Always willing to find time to help friends and fellow competitors, John’s warmth and generosity will be missed every bit as much as his good humour and sheer enthusiasm.
Our thoughts are with his wife Judy and all the family at this very sad time.
There will be a Service of Thanksgiving at Lytchett Minster Parish Church (BH16 6JE) at 11am on Wednesday 30th March.
Mar 20, 2016
Karousel was resurfaced today… Here’s a picture of the work in progress….

And….. the “New” Karousel!

More details and pictures to follow… Thank you to Ben Stapley for the pictures..
Tony Record – BARC SW Gurston Down Press Officer
Mar 14, 2016
Thank you to all those who came to Gurston Down on Sunday to help with the set-up of the hill.
We had an amazing turn out, not just drivers and marshals but friends, wives and girlfriends! There were more than 40 people there, many were already on-site and working before 9 am and were still working six hours later. Ben would like to thank you all for helping, it was great to see so many….

The day started rather cool and foggy which didn’t stop the work getting underway but soon the sun was out and it turned into a beautiful day.
Work was soon underway fixing the barriers around the restaurant, clearing the paddock, edging the track and much more!

A special THANK YOU to Tracy and Jane for doing the job no-one wanted. We now have beautifully clean toilets!
The tables were moved from the store, cleaned and set-up in the restaurant…

All the signs on the course were put-up..

And the Burger Van was re-furbished..

Thank you to, in no particular order: Simon Purcell, Clive Wooster, Steve Loadsman, Dave Wickham, Andrew Thorp, Graham Chubb, Rex Fryatt, John Davey, John Forsyth,Leon Smigielski, Peter Knight, Paul Webster, Jane Russ, Mark Walker, Tim Pitfield, Brian Philips, Jamie Buchanan, Robert Broomfield, Lynset Alley, Steve Holley, Peter Curtis, Becky Crocanbe, John Hayward, Sarah Howard, Derek Harris, Nick Howard, Ian Harrison, Dave Gibbs, Jerry Sterman, Sarah Brodie, M I Stoner, Rob Brodie, Alex England, his Dad and his mum Tracey, Mo Brodie, Jordan Baker, Ben and Dee Stapley, Tony Record and David, Kevin and one other (sorry. I couldn’t read the sign-on sheet). If I missed anyone or got your name wrong, sorry…..
Mar 9, 2016
It is will great sadness that we must report that Alan Peskett, a regular competitor at Gurston, passed away on the 3rd of March…..
His funeral is to be held at Bournemouth Crematorium, on Monday 21st March at 10:30, if you’d like to pay your respects.
Mar 7, 2016
Here’s a friendly reminder that there are a number of rule changes that came into effect at the beginning of the year. So here goes:
Page 343 of The Blue Book gives details of the Technical Regulations For Sprint and Hillclimb Vehicles. Section 10.1.11 states that Hill Climb Super Sports Cars, Sports Libre Cars and Racing Cars MUST be equipped with a currently homologated FIA saftey harness complying with K 2.1.3 or K 2.1.4. They need to be in-date!
In addition all competitors MUST wear head restraints – FHR or a Hans Device. The ONLY exceptions are cars running in Standard Road Going Classes, pre 1977 cars and period defined category vehicles. Again, if in doubt read the Blue Book or contact a local scrutineer. Remember you may need to buy a new helmet.
Helmet standard BS6658-A-FR is no longer approved for motor sport
All of these regulations, and many more, can be found in the Blue Book. Where there is a rule change these are highlighted in red.