Jan 1, 2020
Applications for Test Day entries will open on 1st January 2019 and will close on February 28th.

Applications by e-mail only. Please e-mail Nick Revels at gurstonhillclimb@gmail.com to be added to the list. Indicate if there is a double driver please.
The number of drivers will be limited to 60. Cars will run in three batches of 20, in rotation. Double drivers will run in different batches. We expect more runs will be possible.
The price will be held at £105. Cars driven by two drivers will pay £165.
If we receive more than 60 driver applications, a ballot will be held. Nick will inform you in the first week of March if you have been successful, and will send out entry forms and regulations.
Jan 1, 2020

We would like to thank all our competitors, marshalls, volunteers,committee and everyone else who makes our event possible a Happy New Year.
That should really be a HAPPY NEW SEASON….
Applications for our first event, the 2020 Test Day on 29th March will be open later today. Contact Nick Revels, directly by email for details.
As all our competitors should know by now, we aren’t changing our Event Entry Fees, including Test Day, for the entire 2020 season. As soon as the Event Entries are open we will let you know here, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook..
Drivers School applications are already open and more than 50% of the places have already been sold. There are just three avaialble dates for the 2020 school. Check the link above for more details.
Anthony Record – Press Officer Gurston Down Speed Hill Climb