We have today published the revised Final Instructions for the two events to be held at Gurston Down at the end of May 2021. Please make sure you read and aware of these prior to arriving at the hill.

Revised Final Instructions May 2021 – click here

NOTE: There will be various activities, work going on in the paddocks and on the hill on Friday morning, so entrants are NOT permitted to arrive BEFORE NOON. Please make sure you know your competition number as it will make your entry into the event quicker, our security team will not know who you are. Entry is restricted to those officially signed on and the mechanics and helpers they nominated in their sign-on forms, sorry Motorsport UK regulations.

BARC South West Centre




After a great deal of discussion, BARC South West Centre has decided to make an amendment to the Final Instructions issued earlier this week in respect of the two meetings on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th May 2021.

Our intention is to offer two practice runs, followed by Lunch, then the first timed runs, and a Top Twelve Run-Off followed by the second timed runs and the second Top Twelve Run-Off each day.

As some of you may know, we are not permitted to run beyond 18:00 each day. These constraints were imposed on us by Wiltshire County Council following a noise complaint.

Covid-19 protocols may add additional time to running the event. So we will need YOUR help. Every competitor needs to avoid any unnecessary delays. For example, we would ask you to be ready prior to your batch being called.

We are looking forward to seeing you all again at Gurston Down.

BARC South West Centre – Gurston Down




There have been some changes to the make-up of the BARC South West Centre Committee today.

We give notice of the following changes which are effective immediately:

1. Sarah Howard resigned as Chairman and as a committee member on the 19th May 2021.

2. Paul Webster resigned as Vice-Chairman and as a committee member on the 19th May 2021.

3. Nick Revels resigned as Competition Secretary and as a committee member on 19th May 2021.

We would like to thank them all for their service to Gurston Down and the South West Centre over the many years they have been involved.

A committee meeting is being organised for the remaining committee members to appoint a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Competition Secretary in accordance with the BARC Centres Handbook. We will notify you once this meeting has taken place and the appointments are confirmed.

Anthony Record – Press Officer Gurston Down




Spectators will NOT be permitted at our May events.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept spectators at our May events. There was a great deal of discussion at our committee meeting yesterday on ways we could make the spectator return to the hill for the May events possible.

Both events are closed to the public so please do not attempt to gain access to the hill during the weekend, our security staff will turn you away.

Sadly, we have to comply, not just with the UK Government’s regulations and guidance but with our governing body, Motorsport UK’s regulations and guidance which are at times significantly different. Finding solutions that comply with the regulations and guidance of both bodies is somewhat complex.

Needless to say, we are working on solutions that comply with these so that we will able to invite spectators back very soon.

We will update you here and on our social media as soon as we are able, watch this space.




Annual General Meeting – BARC South West Centre – 5th July 2021

The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the BARC South West Centre will be held on Monday 5th July 2021 at Gurston Down.

The precise timing and the agenda will be published in due course so look out for further News in the coming weeks.

NOTE: Only BARC South West Centre members will be permitted to attend.