After a great deal of discussion, BARC South West Centre has decided to make an amendment to the Final Instructions issued earlier this week in respect of the two meetings on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th May 2021.
Our intention is to offer two practice runs, followed by Lunch, then the first timed runs, and a Top Twelve Run-Off followed by the second timed runs and the second Top Twelve Run-Off each day.
As some of you may know, we are not permitted to run beyond 18:00 each day. These constraints were imposed on us by Wiltshire County Council following a noise complaint.
Covid-19 protocols may add additional time to running the event. So we will need YOUR help. Every competitor needs to avoid any unnecessary delays. For example, we would ask you to be ready prior to your batch being called.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again at Gurston Down.
BARC South West Centre – Gurston Down