Statement from BARC SW – New Test Day and Events 2021 Plans


BARC SW – Gurston Down are pleased to announce that we plan, subject to the UK Government and Motorsport UK guidance, to run the following meetings in 2021:

April – Sunday 18th – Test Day – a single day for BARC SW Members only

May – Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th – Motorsport UK British Hillclimb Championship Weekend, TWO one day events being the four rounds of the championship Gurston Down usually hosts. There may be an Interclub (formerly Nat B) meeting for BARC SW Centre members at this event. Entry numbers are limited.

June – Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th – The Tony Marsh Memorial Weekend – Two One Day Events

July – Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th – Two One Day Events

August – Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th – This event is a two day event. Saturday will be a practice day and Sunday will have a single morning practice followed by two timed runs.

We expect our online entry system to start taking entries, for all events except the April Test Day, on the 5th April 2021.

The March meetings and the April meetings have been cancelled. The Sunday of the April meeting being replaced by our Test Day.

TEST DAY – Sunday 18th April

Sunday 18th April’s meeting has been replaced by a Test Day. Applications are limited and priority will be given to those who have previously registered for our March Test Day. This date is restricted to BARC SW members.  Details of how to register for the April Test Day will be published in the next seven days.


The current UK Government laws do not allow spectators to attend any of our events.

Once spectators are permitted, we will not be permitted to give spectators access to the paddock and / or the startline area. Drivers and spectators must be held in separate bubbles. Access will only be available to the Hollow Bend and Carousel Complex spectator areas. Availability of refreshments will be limited too.

Spectator numbers will be limited and you will be required to book in advance. There will be NO access without a booked ticket.

COVID-19 restrictions, regulations and guidance change regularly. This information is current as of today.



Nick Howard

It is with deep regret that we must report the sad passing of our long time Gurston colleague and friend Nick Howard.

Nick will be remembered having started his Gurston life as part of our renowned team of Marshals out on the hill, in later years forming a formidable partnership alongside Grahame running a smooth operation in the Bottom Paddock, both on event weekends, and also when supporting our School Days. Always a friendly welcome to be had.

In later years Nick assumed the role of BARC SW Steward, and kept a close eye on event proceedings, and over the past 2 seasons could be found supporting and encouraging our Gurston Chairman, and his dear wife, Sarah Howard in her 3 wheeled pursuits.

The BARC SW Committee were indebted to Nick for his commitment and efforts in maintaining our wonderful venue, and being at the centre of set up and set down proceeding all year round. Nick’s presence and dedication was always welcomed wherever he volunteered his time, including Thruxton, Wiscombe and Manor Farm to name just a few.

Nick’s funeral will be held on Monday 8th March at Bournemouth Crematorium at 9:30. Spaces will be very limited due to Covid restrictions and Sarah has asked that any enquires regarding this be privately messaged to her.

Statement from BARC SW following UK Government’s Roadmap Out of Lockdown

Following the UK Government’s Roadmap Out of Lockdown and Motorsport UK’s Restart statement we have been forced to cancel a number of events.

Motorsport UK have withdrawn all event licences until 29th March 2021 so we have been forced to cancel the following events: Test Day – 7th March 2021; Saturday 27th March and Sunday 28th March 2021.

Additionally we have cancelled the April Drivers School and May is looking doubtful due to the restrictions imposed by the UK Government’s Roadmap Out of Lockdown.

BARC SW Centre’s committee is currently waiting for the additional advice and guidance promised by the MSUK in their recent statement. Once we have received that and our Covid-19 Team has been able to assess the information and advised the committee of it’s recommendations, we will make further statements regarding events beyond March 2021.





BARC South West Centre – Annual General Meeting – 14th December 2020

British Automobile Racing Club Limited South West Centre

Notice of Annual General Meeting – Monday 14th December 2020

As you will be aware the Club is obligated to hold an Annual General Meeting but clearly, current
restrictions on both travel and gatherings make holding such a meeting somewhat problematical, to
say the least. Ideally I would like to postpone the meeting to a later date but our rules do not grant
us the ability to do this. To this end the “meeting” will be held on Monday 14th December 2020

In the circumstances the meeting will have to go ahead effectively behind closed doors. I would
respectfully suggest that there is nothing of exceptional note within the Agenda to cause members
concern. I should be most grateful therefore, once you’ve considered the Agenda, if you would
kindly complete and return the Proxy form to the email address shown in the proxy form

If you have any questions do please feel free to submit them via e-mail prior to the meeting and we
will do our best to answer them. One would hope that the answers will be available at the meeting
and can therefore appear in the Minutes. If this all seems a bit unusual please forgive me

Yours sincerely

On behalf of the British Automobile Racing Club Limited South West Centre

Sarah Howard

Read the Chairman’s Report / Statement – 2020 Here


1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
2. Accounts & Hon Treasurers Report
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Election of Officers and Committee
a. Chairman
b. Vice Chairman
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
5. Under Rule 12 John Davey, Nick Revels and Simon Purcell retire from the Committee and
being eligible offers offer themselves for re-election.
6. Under rule 10 Tony Record offers himself for election onto the Committee
7. Any Other Business
8. Close



Gurston Down Drivers School 2021 – Dates Available NOW

Gurston Down Drivers School 2021 – Dates Available NOW

Applications for places at our four planned Drivers School events in 2021.

Get your application in NOW and save £10.00. You can enter online HERE or fill the application form in and post it to us.