REMINDER: All entrants registered for our June 2021 meetings are required to complete the online signing-on declaration.

We need all this information completed by the close of play on the 11th of June.

This will give us time to pass the information on to all the officials, scrutineers, and gate security for next weekend.

If you have not received the email, please contact ONLINE SIGNING-ON by clicking emailing this link – Online Signing-On.

Please make sure you add to your safe list.


Hill Record – Wallace Menzies – Gould GR59M Cosworth – 25.34s


Wallace Menzies and his beautiful Gould GR59M Cosworth took the long-standing hill record from Scott Moran on Sunday.

His run on Sunday took 0.03s off the existing record and scored him an extra point in the British Hill Climb Championship presented by Avon Tyres. The time of 25.34s gives an average speed of over 86 miles per hour, and remember that’s from a standing start!

Wallace and his team, had a fantastic weekend, a hill record, three run-off victories, and two fastest times of the day.

Congratulations to Wallace on his stunning performance.


Turbo Dynamics Hill Climb Championship and Top Ten Challenge – Don’t Forget You Need to Enter


You can do this by following this link – Turbo Dynamics Championship and Top Ten Challenge Entry

This needs to be done in advance of any event you would like to score points in, points cannot be backdated.

You also need to display the Turbo Dynamics Championship Sticker on your car – these are available from the Office and heed to be on your car for the timed runs.



COMPETITOR INFORMATION Online Signing-On June Meetings

We have today sent emails to all entrants registered for our June 2021 meetings an invitation to complete the online signing-on declaration.

You are required to complete the Online Signing-On Declaration by 11th June. We will send a reminder later in the week.

If you have not received the email, please contact ONLINE SIGNING-ON by clicking emailing this link – Online Signing-On.

Please make sure you add to your safe list.




BARC South West Centre Annual General Meeting – Full Details

The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the BARC South West Centre will be held on Monday 5th July 2021 in the restaurant at Gurston Down.. The meeting will commence at 19:00

The formal agenda will be published in a week or so. All BARC South West Centre members are welcome to attend and will be subject to any Covid19 guidelines applicable at the time of the meeting.

In accordance with the Centre’s Handbook, a committee meeting will follow the AGM.

Centre’s Handbook BARC

Simon Purcell, Chairman BARC SW.


June Meetings – Entries are now closed

These meetings are the first four rounds of the Turbo Dynamics Gurston Down Hill Climb Championship and the first two rounds of the Turbo Dynamics BARC SW Top Ten Challenge. Our June meetings were usually the Tony Marsh Memorial Weekend but as previously reported, that has been moved to the July meeting.

Online Signing-On invitations will be sent out via email during the next few days. These will be required to be completed by 11th June to enable us to collate and distribute the information to those who need it. Failure to do so may mean you will be unable to compete at the meetings. We will make a further announcement, here and on Facebook when the Signing-On invitations have been sent.

We are sorry but we will not be able to have spectators at our June events. Motorsport UK have not lifted their guidance in this respect. Additionally, the weekend falls before the UK Government’s final stage of lockdown. If you would like to read more about spectators and the guidance we are required to adhear to please follow this link to Spectator Information.

July Meetings – Entries closing 19th June 2021

This meeting is now known as The Tony Marsh Memorial Weekend. Thhey are rounds three, four, five and six of the Turbo Dynamics Gurston Down Hill Climb Championship and rounds two and three of the Turbo Dynamics BARC SW Top Ten Challenge.

Online Signing-On invitations will be sent out via email a few weeks before the meetings. Please don’t expect these to arrive before the June meetings are completed. We will make a further announcement about Signing-On when the email has been sent.

We are hoping that we will be permitted to have spectators back to the hill for the July meetings. However, this will require  Motorsport UK’s guidance to be changed and the UK Government’s final stage of lockdown to be complete. .