Competitors are reminded that they should not arrive before 13:00 on Friday as the paddock and course will be in the final stages of preparation.

Paddock allocations and numbers have been published on the Alpha entry system. These will also be available on the window of the Paddock Office.

We are looking forward to seeing you!



Report – Test Day 2024

TEST DAY 2024 – The start of the 2024 season.

After the awful weather of the previous few months, we managed to get almost a whole day of half decent weather to start our season. Other hills had cancelled their test days and first meetings we managed to run the event. The event ran with many changes and restrictions. We appreciate the co-operation of all those parties who allowed us to run the day. Hopefully, we won’t have to run the end of April events with any restrictions.

There were many members of the team who made the event run so well. An incident in the middle of the day caused a minor delay but most had six runs.

There were a number of new cars and drivers and those reminding themselves of the lay-out of the hill.

We have posted some images on Facebook.

We would like to thank all the marshals for their help parking in the top paddock and their work with the incident. We would like thank everyone else who helped set-up the day and ran the event.

BARC South West Centre Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of BARC South West Centre will be held on the 4th June 2024. This is a BARC South West members meeting.

The meeting will take place at Gurston Down in the restaurant. Time and Agenda to be confirmed later.

Notice of the meeting is deemed to have been given.



Due to the continuing inclement weather, you will be unable to spectate at our Test Day this weekend. The car park field is out of action meaning we will NOT be able to accommodate any spectators, sorry.

Test Day is a closed event to spectators.