Competitor Information

Gurston Down events can ONLY be entered online by clicking on the Electronic Event Entries tab above. The system will be used for event signing on and online scrutineering information as well as entries. We are unable to accept paper entries.

If you already have Acrobat Reader installed on your PC, or suitable Acrobat plug-ins integrated within your current web browser, you should be able to read any of the PDF files listed just by LEFT CLICKING the link.

Alternatively, you may download any of these PDF files by RIGHT CLICKING the link, and selecting “Save Target As”. Select an appropriate location within your PC for each downloaded file, and then click “OK”.

Once you have saved files to your PC, you will be able to open it at any time within Adobe’s Acrobat Reader.

If you do not yet have (or wish to upgrade) the Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, click the Acrobat Reader Logo below to visit Adobe’s Website where you can download the latest version of this utility free of charge.

Online Entry System

The Online Entry and Information System for Events – Known as Alpha:

Here’s the direct link to the online system, you will find all sorts of useful information for competitors.

Enter Online Here

Event Supplementary Regulations

Supplementary Regulations and Championship Regulations:

2024 Supplementary Regulations

MX5 2024 Rules and Regulations [PDF]

2024 Formula Ford Regulations [PDF]

NOTE: Signing-On and all other “paperwork” will now be carried out electronically. AND DON’T FORGET TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL AND THE NEWS SECTION OF THIS WEBSITE.

Remember you need to be a member of BARC and the South Western Centre to join our championship and challenge.

Enter Online Here

Individual Event Information is now published in the Alpha Entry System. Check the link at the top of this menu

Championship Regulations etc

The Turbo Dynamics Gurston Down Hill Climb Championship and the Online Cleaning Technologies Top Ten Challenge Regulations,details of Annual Trophies and Championship / Challenge Registration Form available below.

Championship and Challenge Regulations 2024 ARE HERE:

NOTE: The closing date for Championship Entry is 8th May 2024. You must hold a BARC and BARC South West Centre membership to be included in the Championship and Challenge. Points are NOT awarded retrospectively. So get your entry in NOW.


Event Entry Link and Closing Dates

The 2024 Entry Links and Closing Dates are:

Full Downloadable Event List with Closing Dates will be available here as soon as it is published – This includes details of Invited Championships and Clubs
Our entry system is called Alpha, we used it last season to manage all entries and associated paperwork.
If you have previously used the Alpha system, you will NOT need to create a new login. All new entrants will need to register.
Once you have registered, you can enter any or ALL events without needing to resubmit your details.
ALL event associated paperwork is managed using Alpha. This includes: signing on, online scrutineering information, competition number and paddock spaces online this year.

Sunday 7th April 2024 – Test Day – CLOSED

Saturday 27th April 2024 – CLOSED

Sunday 28th April 2024 – CLOSED

Saturday 25th May 2024 – British Hill Climb Championship Day 1 – CLOSED

Sunday 26th May 2024 – British Hill Climb Championship Day 2 – CLOSED

Saturday 15th June 2024 – Entries Close 18th May 2024 or earlier if oversubscribed

Sunday 18th June 2023 – Entries Close 18th May 2024 or earlier if oversubscribed

Saturday 6th July 2024 – Entries Close 14th June 2024 or earlier if oversubscribed

Sunday 7th July 2024 – Entries Close 14th June 2024 or earlier if oversubscribed

Saturday 4th August 2024 – Entries Close 5th July 2024 or earlier if oversubscribed

Sunday 5th August 2024 – Entries Close 6th July 2024 or earlier if oversubscribed

Saturday 24th August 2024 – Entries Close 26th July 2024 or earlier if oversubscribed

Sunday 25th August 2024 – Entries Close 26th July 2024 or earlier if oversubscribed


Facebook and Instagram will all have notifications the weekend before the closing date.

Where an entry becomes oversubscribed the entry will close early.

For ALL Entry Enquiries please contact our Competition Secretary Nick Revels


Event Dashboard Links

The 2024 Event Dashboard Links:

Each event has it’s own DASHBOARD. This dashboard will have information related to the event.
This information includes Entry List; Competition Numbers; Paddock Allocations; Supplementary Regulations and Competitor Bulletins.
Each event has its own Dashboard – Competitors should check these regularly as they will contain important information.



25th May 2024 – British Hill Climb Weekend Day One

26th May 2024 – British Hill Climb Weekend Day Two

Saturday 15th June 2024 – Club Meeting

Sunday 16th June 2024 – Club Meeting



For ALL Entry Enquiries please contact our Competition Secretary Nick Revels


Entry Lists & Competitor Bulletins for the listed events

Entry lists are available on the NEW online entry system, known as Alpha. The entry lists change with every entry, you will be able to see a full entry list 24/7.


These are available on the Event Notice Board pages

Competitor Bulletins will be posted on the entry system AND here when they become available.



Information will appear on our online system, once these have been published.

Competitors are reminded that you can only score points in The Turbo Dynamics Gurston Down Hill Climb Championship and Online Cleaning Technologies Top Ten Challenge Points if you have the sponsor’s sticker on the car. These are available at sign-on.










Paddock Allocations and Batch Lisings

Paddock Allocations and Batches:

Paddock space allocations are posted a week or so ahead of the event date. These are available on the Event Dashboard page. They should also be available on Alpha, our entry system.

NOTE: The paddock space will ONLY be available after 12:30 on Friday. The paddock will be cleaned prior to this time so you should not arrive before then – thank you.


Batches: These are the provisional batch lists

Competitors are reminded that you can only score Gurston Championship Points and Top Ten Run-off Points if you have the sponsors sticker on the car. These are available at sign-on.

E&OE – Anthony Record – Press Officer


Map of the Gurston Down Paddock Areas
Click on map for the location of your allocated paddock space
NB ‘S/line’ on the Paddock Plan refers to the grassed area adjacent to the Start line approach. (This means we have a very full entry!)

NOTE: Row J is opposite Row G


Provision of Timing Services
The Timing Services at Gurston Down are provided by Timing Solutions Ltd.(TSL) who are accredited by the FIA and the MSA.

During the event, TSL deliver live timing on the internet and at the end of each event, a PDF booklet containing all the achieved times is published on TSL’s website.

Please click here to visit the Hillclimb and Sprints section of the TSL website, where you will be able to view elapsed times and other parameters for all of our meetings.

General Outline
Start-line procedures fall into three major areas :-

• preparation by the competitor,
• alignment of the car by marshals, and
• the triggering of the timing computers, actioned by the driver breaking a light beam at the moment of starting the climb.

These notes detail the procedure of alignment and start, and describe how the start interfaces with the timing computers.

The method now being used at Gurston is an electronic system of beams and indicator lights, as used at many Speed events in the UK. A tripod, clearly visible to the Start-Line Marshals will display two coloured lights; one yellow and one white, which enable them to align your car correctly.

Once you are correctly aligned, the start-line marshals will draw your attention to the other set of lights at the start line, i.e. the red and green traffic lights. Initially these will display a red light.

The Start
Once alignment is correct, three additional procedures have to take place :-

• the timekeepers need to enter your competition number into the timing computer,
• they must ensure that the timing mechanisms are set ready to record the instant of your start,
• the Course Controller must satisfy himself that the track is clear, and ready for you to commence your climb.

When both the Course Controller and Timekeeper are ready, the lights will change from red to green. This green light is an indication to you that you may now start your climb.

It is important to realise that the green light is only an indication of permission to start your climb. The timing computer will only be triggered by the strut attached to your car interrupting the light beam. Once the green light is on, you may start as soon as you are ready. However, you should not allow your car to move forward whilst preparing to start. If you do, you risk starting the timing sequence even before you think you have started!

Your Climb
Once you start,the timing computer will record the start time, and eventually your finish time. By calculation, it will determine your elapsed time, and offer both visual and printed confirmation of this to the timekeepers.

As you progress up the hill, other light beams will be broken, and timings recorded and displayed. These measure the rate of acceleration away from the line, and intermediate timings and speeds at various points along the course.

The Finish
As you reach the finish line, the final set of beams will be broken. The breaking of these two beams allow for a calculation of both finish time and finishing speed.

By the time you have reached the top paddock, the timing computers will have recorded all the data, and printed an elapsed time for you in the top paddock hut.

The Results
The timings and speed data are recorded and printed by the timekeepers, and passed to the Results Team. The results will be displayed as soon as possible, and once competition is complete, will be used for the final determination of the results.

In addition to the digital timing displays that are available in various locations around Gurston Down, we are also able to display times and associated data on three large monitors which are located in the Administration block in the main Paddock. This enables competitors to compare their times with those of other drivers running in the same class.

Additionally, wireless equipment has recently been installed to broadcast the times etc. around the paddock areas, and the data can be received by any person who has a laptop computer suitably equipped for wireless internet access.

General Points
From the start of 2015 tyre spinning before the start line is no longer permitted
Consider the safety of the start-line marshals as you approach the line
Allow the marshals to properly align your car. DO NOT apply your brakes as you are being positioned
Listen to, or watch the start-line marshals; they will be indicating the red and green lights once alignment is complete
DO NOT start your run until the green light is on. A premature start will result in your time being disallowed.

Camping Arrangements

Dogs are NOT permitted onsite at the August Meetings*

There is a small fee of £10 for camping. This money is passed to the local village. Please make sure you pay the fee when requested at sign-on. Here’s the current map for camping arrangements.

* Dogs are NOT permitted at the August meetings. This is at the request of our Landlord. Gurston Down is one of the best shoots in the UK and during August birds are released onsite.

BARC Membership

BARC and BARC South West Membership

You need to join the BARC and the South West Centre (Gurston Down) if you would like to be part of the Turbo Dynamics Gurston Down Championship and Cavendish Ship Stores Top Ten Challenge. You also need to join is you want to compete at Gurston Down and don’t belong to one of the invited clubs or championships. If you are a member of one of the mutual memberships associations, you won’t need to join BARC either. (ASWMC etc)

You DO NOT need Race Membership of the BARC to compete at Gurston Down. When you join the South Western Centre you agree to be bound by the following centres handbook of rules:

BARC 2019 Centres Handbook

You will need the following two memberships:

  1. BARC Ordinary Membership – currently (2022) – £40.00 – Join Online – BARC Ordinary Membership
  2. BARC South West Centre – currently (2022) – £15.00 – Join Online – BARC South West

Make sure you choose the South West Centre as the page defaults to a different centre