Gurston Down Knowledge Quiz

Here’s a little bit of fun. There is a bank of 25+ questions, (more being added all the time). You have just 90 seconds to answer fifteen questions which the system will pick randomly for you. Good luck

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You have just 90 seconds to complete this quiz

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1 / 15

Who holds the Isle of Wight Motor Club record at Gurston Down?

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2 / 15

Who is this? Clue: This is the factory Gould GR59

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3 / 15

Scott Moran holds the current hill record at Gurston Down. What date was it set?

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4 / 15

What type of car is this?

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5 / 15

Who runs the motorbikes at Gurston Down?

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6 / 15

In the 2020 MSUK Blue Book. Which section cover Hill Climbs? It's called "Sprints, Hill Climbs and Drag Racing"

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7 / 15

If a driver makes an unsatisfactory start. When is he / she able to be reset and try again?

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8 / 15

If you run onto the grass or off the track in a timed run, does the time still count?

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9 / 15

The up to 1400cc Sports Libre Class record is held by Tim Pitfield, but in what car?

10 / 15

This is Allan McDonald's Mini Evo. Are there any parts from an orginial Mini on the car?

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11 / 15

In the 2020 Turbo Dynamics Gurston Down Championship, what is special about the September meeting?

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12 / 15

Who is driving the "screaming tangerine"?

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13 / 15

Who is driving this rather lovely car in the Historically Interesting Class?

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14 / 15

Patrick and Peter Keates used to hold the side car record at Gurston. Who holds it now?

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15 / 15

Who is this?

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